HICSS - 53 Digital Government Track
53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
January 7-10, 2020 - Grand Wailea, Maui, HI, USA

HICSS Digital Government Track

A Thriving Domain of Multidisciplinary Scholarship

Digital Government is a multidisciplinary research domain that studies the use of information and technology in the context of public policymaking, government operations, government transformation, citizen engagement and interaction, and government services.

Numerous disciplines contribute to this intersection of research, such as computer science, information systems, information science, political science, public policy, organizational sciences (public administration and business administration), sociology and psychology among others.

The HICSS Digital Government track is a venue for groundbreaking studies and new ideas in this particular research domain. Many studies first presented here develop further and then turn into publications at top journals. Nine minitracks cover the full spectrum of research avenues of digital government, including emerging topics, policies and strategies for digital government, the digital divide, and most recently, government and disaster resiliency and business process management.

The HICSS Digital Government Track has gained an excellent reputation among Digital Government scholars and the larger academic community. It serves as a rigorous and valuable research venue on Digital Government, bringing together an international community of scholars to discuss the state of Digital Government throughout the world.

Important Deadlines

June 15: Authors submit full papers by this date, following the Author Instructions. All papers will be submitted in double column publication format and limited to 10 pages including diagrams and references. HICSS papers undergo a double-blind review (June 15 - August 15).
August 15: Acceptance notices are sent to Authors. At this time, at least one author of an accepted paper should begin visa, fiscal, and travel arrangements to attend the conference to present the paper.
September 15: Authors submit Final Version of papers following submission instructions posted on the HICSS web site. At least one author of each paper must register by this date with specific plans to attend the conference.
October 2: Papers without at least one registered author will be pulled from the publication process; authors will be notified.

More information on the track chairs:

Hans Jochen Scholl serves as a Professor in the Information School at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA. He earned a Ph.D. in Information Science from the University of Albany, NY/SUNY and also holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from the GSBA Zurich, Switzerland. His research interests focus on understanding human-originated complex systems, in particular, by means of system dynamics. Besides quantitative approaches, he also embarks on qualitative research using Action Research, Situational Action Analysis among other methods. Areas of study include information management, electronic government, disaster studies (disaster information management), technology evolution, and pro sports information management. Jochen is a past president of the Digital Government Society and serves as Chair of the IFIP WG 8.5 (IS and Public Administration). Jochen's group also maintains and publishes the Digital Government Reference Library (DGRL).

John Bertot, Ph.D./Syracuse, is Professor at the University of Maryland's College of Information Studies. He also serves as Co-Director of the Information Policy & Access Center. His research and teaching focus on information policy, equitable access, and public service innovation. He served as editor of Government Information Quarterly from 2000-2015, and is past-president of the Digital Government Society.

"Over the years, the Digital Government Track at HICSS has developed into a premier platform for researchers from around the world to present and discuss their best work with colleagues."

- Hans Jochen Scholl

John Bertot

"The Digital Government Track has emerged as foremost venue for significant scholarship and practice in digital government. Bringing together researchers, policymakers, and practitioners, the Digital Government Track serves as a catalyst for leading edge research and solutions to the challenges and opportunities of technology-enabled government."

- John Bertot

Contact Information

Hans J (Jochen) Scholl
University of Washington
The Information School
Mary Gates Hall, Suite 370c
Box 352840
Seattle, WA 98195-2840, USA
Phone: +1-206-616-2543
Fax: +1-206-616-3152
Email: jscholl@uw.edu

John Bertot
Professor and Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs
2117B Administration Building
University of Maryland College Park
College Park, MD 20742
Phone: 301.405.4252
Email: jbertot@umd.edu

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