HICSS - 53 Digital Government Track
53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
January 7-10, 2020 - Grand Wailea, Maui, HI, USA

Digital Government and Business Process Management (BPM)


It is almost mandatory nowadays for organizations to interoperate with each other, partners and clients. Virtual networks are the basis for enhancing the services and products each one delivers to its clients (citizens, patients, etc.). However ensuring the interoperability between different organizations is a complex task involving key challenges such as being able to define unambiguous shared concepts in multi-domains collaborations and cross-organizational interactions into collaborative business processes (BPs). Virtual organizations need ways to define and provide support to their BPs, in order to interact with each other more easily, with more security and adequacy, ensuring the quality of the results to the internal and the external users. This support must fulfill both centralized and decentralized scenarios depending on the domain and the organizations involved, including the integration of their existing software systems in order to exchange data and execute business functions.

In this approach, Business Process Management (BPM) deals with the process lifecycle and technologies in organizations willing to drive their business based on the underlying processes they perform, to provide services or products with value for end users. While such approach is a cornerstone to launching and maintaining a e-government process, the public sector brings its own specificities. E- government collaborative processes involve organizations (employees, technologies), partners (providers, consumers), and users (citizens, foreigners) leading to complex interactions within different e-government models and available technologies. These models present mainly two types of collaborations: (i) closed in which interactions between organizations are explicitly defined and agreed as collaborative BPs; or (ii) open in which organizations offer capabilities for integration, not explicitly agreeing on their BPs but mainly on the contract of the capabilities they provide or require to be able to participate in the collaboration. Capabilities for payment, event awareness, security, process monitoring and analysis, open data, integration with social networks, prediction, among others, present relevant issues to tackle.

Successful cross-organizational processes management and enactment within e-government collaborative organizations will lead to better conceptual and technological integration, not only between each other but with citizens and users in general. New ideas on how to deal with the complexity of e-government collaborative processes definition, modeling, enactment, monitoring and analysis will provide key ways on improving the e-government experience both for organizations and citizens, taking into account several dimensions such as conceptual, technological, interoperability, agility, social, etc.

This minitrack features e-government with focus on the collaborative processes that organizations and citizens carry out in order to be a part of it, in the context of BPM for e-government. We invite papers that deal with any aspect of the definition, analysis, design, implementation, enactment, integration, operation, evaluation and use of BPM principles and existing/emerging BPM approaches for discussing cross-organizational models, architectures, ICT integration and support, as well as case studies on the application of BPM to e-government.

Topics of Interest Include

  • Collaborative BPM for e-government
  • BPM and Enterprise architectures for e-government
  • Adaptive Case Management and other non-workflow approaches to BPM for e-government
  • Collaborative enterprise modeling in BPM for e-government
  • BPM metamodeling and ontologies for e-government
  • BPM and Model-driven approaches for e-government
  • BPM and Service engineering for e-government
  • BPM collaborative process in cloud, social and big data contexts for e-government
  • BPM collaborative process and IoT for e-government
  • BPM and middleware platforms for collaborative process in e-government
  • BPM and complex event processing and event-driven architectures in e-government
  • Business process mining and business intelligence for e-government
  • BPM and artificial intelligence for e-government
  • BPM and open data in e-government
  • Business process quality in e-government
  • BPM collaborative process security and privacy in e-government
  • BPM culture, people and citizens involvement in e-government
  • Case studies of BPM application to e-government

The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER) will publish extended versions of the selected best papers (in English) in regular issues after standard evaluation. JTAER is WoS/JCR indexed.

Minitrack Leaders

Aurelie Montarnal is an Assistant professor in Information Systems for collaborative situations at IMT Mines Albi, France. She received a M. Engineering (2012) and a PhD in Computer Sciences (2015) from IMT Mines Albi. She qualified as Assistant-Professor in 2016. She is part of the IO research team (Interoperability of Organizations), lecturer and researcher in the fields of Collaborative Networks and Information Systems Interoperability. Her research activities concern: (i) virtual networks of organization and cross-organizational collaboration, (ii) data collection and interpretation thanks to rule- based systems and machine learning to obtain models characterizing collaborative situations. Her works use Model Driven Engineering and Knowledge-based systems approached. She has published around 30 papers in peer reviewed international conferences and journals. She has taken part of several research projects (European and French) and has advised or is currently advising 4 PhD Students and several Master students.

Hernán Astudillo is Professor of Informatics at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM). He is Informatics Engineer (UTFSM, 1988) and Ph.D. Information and Computer Science (Georgia Tech, 1995). His main R&D interest is identification, recovery and reuse of architectural decisions and architectural knowledge (especially architectural tactics). He is Principal Investigator of the Toeska R&D Team, which conducts teaching, research and technology transfer in software architecture, semantic software systems and software process improvement, and their application in e-governance and heritage computing. He is also responsible for UTFSM's Software Architecture academic activities; chairs UTFSM's Doctorate in Informatics Engineering; and co-chairs the UTFSM's BPM Center. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles in international journals and conferences, supervised tens of graduate theses, organized several national and international conferences and workshops, and lead numerous R&D projects and international collaboration ventures.

Andrea Delgado is an Associate Professor of the Computer Science Institute of the School of Engineering at Universidad de la República (UdelaR). She is a Computer Science Engineer (UdelaR, 2003), Master in Informatics (PEDECIBA UdelaR, 2007) and Ph.D. in Informatics (PEDECIBA UdelaR, 2012) and Advanced Informatic Tecnologies (UCLM, Spain, 2012). Her main research interests are in business process and technologies, process mining, service oriented computing and model driven development, and their application to different domains such as e-government, health, banking. She leads the business process research line at the COAL research group, teaching and leading technical transfer in several projects with Uruguayan government organizations and software industry enterprises. She has published over 50 peer-reviewed articles in international journal and conferences, supervised several graduate thesis, lead and participated in several research projects national and international, organized and chaired many national and international conferences and workshops, and many collaboration initiatives with Latin American and European research groups.


Andrea Delgado
(Primary Contact)
Associate Professor
Instituto de Computación Facultad de IngenieríaUniversidad de la República Julio Herrera y Reissig 565 1200 Montevideo Uruguay
Email: adelgado@fing.edu.uy


Aurelie Montarnal 
Assistant Professor
IMT Mines Albi Industrial Engineering Center Campus JarlardRoute de Teillet 81000 Albi France
Email: aurelie.montarnal@mines-albi.fr


Hernán Astudillo 
Professor Departamento de Informática
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Campus UTFSMSan Joaquín Vicuña Mackenna #3939 San Joaquín 7510356, Chile
Email: hernan@inf.utfsm.cl